The term “Trail Magic” was introduced to me by my son Peter when he completed a seven month hike on the 2700 mile long Appalachian Trail.
The tradition of “trail magic” was started by those who have completed this long and arduous hike. Previous travelers who made the full journey would go back to a single point on the trail that was most difficult for them, and then quietly leave a pizza and a 6 pack of beer (or anything else) for an upcoming hiker group to find when they arrive at this very same point- then Eureka!
Imagine being exhausted and loosing spirit and energy only to find a welcome surprise at the top of a hill after a long stretch of trail. At this point, no better reward is appreciated than a boost in energy to deliver an unexpected surprise to your spirit the hikers called “Trail Magic”. Those on the trail fortunate enough to have experienced this “eureka moment” know exactly where it came from, but in many cases, will never meet those who left it behind.
Most of us on our journeys through the exposition industry have experienced a “eureka moment” or two along the way, and in some cases know good and well who the givers of our “trail magic” were. In the past two years five industry mentors that I worked closely within the trade show industry had passed away. I sure wish that I could have better thanked them. Each had left their own form of “trail magic” for me, whether they
knew it or not. I thank them for their guidance, support, and for how they influenced me to follow my path through the exhibit business. After 43 years in the expo industry, I wish I had done more to thank them and others. Learning from our experiences and sharing with others keeps the world going around, and moving forward. Over the years I am sure that we each have a story or two to tell about a person who helped us on our journeys along the trail of trade show marketing.
What “Trail Magic” will you leave behind?