International marketing requires a recalculation of thinking that is different from the methods used within your home country. After 44 years in the expo business, I have written a guide book entitled - Trade Show Shows from One Country to the Next. The book outlines the venues, regulations, labor issues, exhibit styles, and cultural differences for exhibiting in 45 countries. If you are not interested to have info for 45 countries, you can purchase a country chapter individually.
I also offer a new RFP Template when requesting a design quotation from a supplier in another country. The template is designed to avoid misunderstandings when requesting a proposal for trade show services abroad.
I also offer a RFP Template designed for requesting a design and quotation from a supplier in another country
I also offer a New RFP Template when requesting a design quotation from a supplier in another country
Purchase the Book
Trade Shows from One Country to the Next. This guide book can be an excellent primer, or reminder, for the exhibiting differences from country to country as the need comes up.
Purchase Specific Country Chapter
If you simply want information for a specific country, you can purchase a single country chapter which can be downloaded and sent directly to you. $15 per country chapter.
I can also help to advise you with trusted exhibit partners for any specific country, region, or city.
RFP Template with Glossary of Terms
When communicating with an international exhibit supplier it is critical to be using a common English word to describe a trade show activity or an exhibit component accurately between country partners.
Although the official language of the trade show industry is English, there are times when different words are used to describe items. This RFP template outlines all the information needed to request a proposal for an international event and save valuable time needed to respond quickly. It is not what you say, but what you mean that matters most. Key exhibit words have been translated into eleven different languages along with a Glossary of 150 Exhibit Industry terms that are used most often. RFP Template available in twelve languages - Spanish - Portuguese - Italian - French - German - Dutch - Polish - Turkey - Russia - Mandarin - Japan - Korean. The last thing you want is a surprise when you arrive at the show site with your customer in an international city.
$18 per country translation.